Sunday 8 February 2009

Legends of Valentine's Day

Billions of people all over the world, through out the centuries, have dedicated an entire day for grand gestures of love : The Valentine's Day. The history of V's day and its patron, St. Valentine, however, is shrouded in mystery. There are various interesting legends associating this day with Roman traditions, Christian Saints, Chaucer's love birds and so on. So, this time round I decided to do a little research on Valentine's day.

The association between mid-Feb and romance probably goes back to a Pagan fertility festival in ancient Rome called 'Lupercalia' dedicated to either 'Lupa', the she-wolf who had taken care of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome or 'Faunus' the Roman god of Fertility. The festival began with an animal sacrifice followed by ritualistic slapping of young women with goat hide strips to bestow fertility for the coming year. However, in the 5th C, perhaps in an attempt to Christianize the Pagan festival, the then Pope Gelasius declared Feb 14 as St. Valentine's Day. As for the real identity of St Valentine, it is believed that there were several St Valentines, all of whom were said to have been martyred on Feb 14. Legend also has it that one Saint Valentine, a Roman priest, served the Roman emperor Claudius II, an ambitious ruler. The emperor believed single men made better soldiers and had banned marriages altogether. Father Valentine, having realised the injustice of the decree defied the emperor by continuing to perfom marriages for young lovers in secret. The emperor eventually had the Saint arrested and sentenced for death. It is believed that young couples he had secretly married would visit him, passing him flowers and notes through his bars as symbols of their gratitude. The legend further continues that St Valentine during his stay in the prison fell in love with his jailer's daughter. On the day of his execution, Feb 14, he passed this young girl a note which was signed : ''From your Valentine''.. hence a tradition was born.

Later, during the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that Feb 14 was the beginning of birds' mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of February, Valentine's Day, should be a day for romance. The oldest known valentine was probably a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting written in 1415 still exists in the British Library in London.

Cupid, the winged match-maker has long played a crucial role in the celebration of love on V's day. In ancient Greece he was known as ''Eros'' the son of ''Aphrodite'', the goddess of love and beauty. To the Roman's he was ''Cupid'', the God of love, and was the son of ''Venus'' who allegedly fell in love with a beautiful mortal maiden''Psyche''. Later on, Cupid inspired the image of Cherubs for Christians and now is a favourite of the card-makers.

In England Valentine's Day began to be celebrated around the 17thC. By the 18thC it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection, handwritten notes and hand-made cards decorated with lace, ribbons and featuring cupids. In the 1850s, Esther A. Howland began to sell the first commercially -produced valentines cards in America.
Our modern V's day has evolved into one of the most celebrated holidays as well as a booming commercial success. According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated one billion valentine cards are sent each year, in addition to the red roses, heart shaped chocolates, diamonds etc.. BUT one can do without all this on St Valentine's day... the poets were right..Love is all you need! Happy Valentine's Day!

Twenty Valentines

Twenty Valentines

"Oh," said Millicent, watching the postman's blue coat up the street. "I wish he would come here day after tomorrow and bring me twenty valentines!"
"Will he, Mitty?" Jimmy-Boy asked eagerly.
Millicent shook her head. "'Course not, Jimmy-Boy. I know only six little girls; I couldn't get but six."
Aunt Sara was listening. She was Millicent's very prettiest auntie from the city, and she nearly always found a way to help.
"How would you like to send twenty valentines?" she asked.
Millicent laughed. "Why, auntie, I couldn't send but six, either. I don't know any more girls. Besides, I haven't any more valentines."
"Suppose I should show you how to make twenty valentines, and find twenty little girls to send them to; would you like, to do it?"
Millicent came running from the window with Jimmy-Boy close behind her.
"I'd love to, auntie! Please show me right away."
"Love to, auntie, right away," echoed Jimmy-Boy.
"You can help," Aunt Sara promised. "You can bring the mucilage while Millicent gets the scissors."
When they came back with these, Aunt Sara had a pile of gay pictures on the table, and some sheets of thick white paper.
"We will cut this into hearts," she said, "and you can cut out these birds and flowers and paste them on. Let's see which can make the neatest and prettiest ones."
Jimmy-Boy had to be helped a little in cutting out pictures, but he had learned to paste neatly at kindergarten, and his valentines were so pretty it was hard for Aunt Sara to choose between his and Millicent's.
It was such fun making them that Millicent almost forgot about the twenty little girls they were to go to.
"Who are they, auntie?" she asked when she remembered. "Where do they live?"
"Away down in the city," Aunt Sara explained. "Each one in a little white bed in a Children's Hospital. I don't know their names, but I'll send them to the superintendent, and they will get them safely on Valentine's Day. You can't think how happy they will be."
"Oh, I just like to try to think!" cried Millicent. "I'm glad we made them so nice."
The twenty valentines went off in their white envelopes the next morning.
On Valentine's Day the postman brought Milly six from the six little girls and two from Jimmy-Boy and Aunt Sara. They were lovely, and there were some for Jimmy-Boy, but they did not please the children nearly as much as a letter that came a week later.
It was from the hospital superintendent and said: "I wish you could have seen my dear little sick girls smile when they saw their pretty valentines. They looked at them all day and slept with them under their pillows at night. One tiny girl kept hers in her hand. They all send a big ‘Thank you’ to Millicent and Jimmy-Boy."
"Next year we'll begin sooner and make forty," Millicent decided; "it's lots more fun than getting them, isn't it, Jimmy-Boy?"
(story by an English author Marion Thornton)

Sunday 1 February 2009

Hairloss over a haircut

I must confess, I like my hair short...VERY short. And Nivs hates it. For new year, she had convinced me to go to a salon and she was rather pleased about the result. I wasnt...not at all. So this time around, I went back to normal, which means, I cut my own hair. No surprises: I was damn pleased with the results, Nivs wasnt...AT ALL... A bit of a fight, a nick of a scissor, but then she ended up laughing;) The pic here is what she took to show me how funny I look. My answer, wife: I always look funny, you dont seem to notice :)

Cappucino for life: 2€

Now how's that for a title? Here is the story: Nivs had been eyeing a tiny 2€ gadget to make creamy cappucino. I, as usual, dont have much faith in cheap stuff, so, as usual, I was quite vocal in expressing my reservations. We did get the tiny thing, though, to check if it works and voila, here is the result. Impressive, isnt it? Better than Barrrrissta, and you get it in bed, too!!

Friday 30 January 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Jai Ho!!

What's this controversy over slum''DOG''?? Why are we Indians incapable of accepting everything with a pinch of salt? Whats wrong in being a bit cynical about ourselves once in a while?
To my mind, SM is a FANTASTIC flick.. was bowled over by it. its one of those rare films which touches a deep chord in your heart. Its so positive, so full of life... and the music.... its the soul of this movie... Mr A R Rahman; the maestro...creating magic, doing wonders.. all over again! Its his ''Jai ho'' which compelled me to scribble something on this blog (after a long hiatus!) We (Rwik n I) are veteran, orthodox FANS of Mr RD Burman.. I should say, blind followers of his magical creation.. and I can say without a doubt that if there's a single soul in our country who can get somewhere close to his magic, its Rahman.. I hope the guy makes it to the Oscars, he deserves it!
I wish I could get hold of an original audio CD of this album, coz this kind of music just dozn deserve piracy... BUT this is France, that too Grenoble... chances are close to nil... will probably get it from US this summer! Till then.. here's JAI HO to lift up your spirits and to make you look for those dancing shoes ;)

HATS OFF to RAHMAN, GULZAR, SUKHWINDER, Mr BOYLE and to ALL those people responsible for this film!

Saturday 24 January 2009

Facebook &.......

Well, Nivs opened me a facebook account today. It started like this: Av (Avinash, in case you thought it is an electronics spare), an old college buddy of mine asked me if I was in facebook, as it was supposedly more interesting than orkut. I was too lazy, so she did it for me, and I admit I am having fun playing with the site. But then, I guess she is a bit apprehensive about all the girls in facebook (as if they give a fig about me);) and I dont know whether to be bothered or flattered about the fact that my darling wife still feels possessive about me to quite an extent after, what, seven years of having an affair? (Indeed, if you are ready to count the years we have been married as well)... I guess I am a bit of both :)
As you can see from the pic, am sleepy, so good nite!

Sunday 28 December 2008

Back from Black Forest

Well, technically speaking, we have been back day before yesterday. It took a while to recuperate ;) And as predicted, the trip was superb. 2 of us, an isolated farmhouse with a lovely view, and more importantly, a working kitchen. Triberg & Titisee was awesome for me, while Nivs liked Colmar, which was expected. I did buy a swiss knife (finally) and lost my treasured ear-stud. :) :( I guess there's a bit of a bohemian wanderer in me, who just doesn't want to get back home once his reins are cut, while Nivs is this sweet little homely thing who cant stay away too long. So the last day was a bit sad for me... the getting back and the sun was facing us (we were travelling west in winter), Nivs wasnt feeling too well either.. But all's well that ends well, we reached, spent half a day in bed and we are back to normal, with awesome pictures, and memories. I would love to explore black forest again in summer. Still a week before office starts, and tomorrow we are going to Tarun's place for dinner and hope to have more fun for new year....... More later......

Monday 22 December 2008

Checked the maps. Argument usual about what to see. But so far so good. Guess we shall skip Basel.

Xmas 2008

We are off to Black Forest tomorrow. It was Nivs' dream to spend a XMas there. At one point of time, it looked like we wudn't make it as lots of people dropped out which was quite demoralizing. But then, it is all turning out for the best as nous seroens juste tous les deux, comme d'habitude, et je suis cetain que ce sera parfait!. We are leaving at 7 am tomorrow to Freiburg.. Yippeeee... Now we gotta check out the map and all that stuff.... A la prochaine, alors!

Sunday 18 May 2008

Wednesday 11 July 2007

An Intro

The two of us...
Similarities and the lack of them.....For example, just now, Nivs was not sure what I wanted to say...But then, thats us. Two people who dont need much from the rest of the world, just because they have found so much from each other......

So....the mismatches first, or the similarities? Cant seem to decide at the moment. And I also gotta look at the tuna in the zapper...So long!

"We have joy, we have fun we have seasons in the sun But the hills that we climb are seasons right in time "